Two Tummies
I’ve got two tummies
My first tummy is my dinner tummy
And I fill it up with food
Like pizza, chicken, chips, corn on the cob and tuna fish sandwiches
But sometimes it gets full really quickly
Like when I eat
Cabbage, cauliflower, stew and sprouts
When this happens I push my plate to the side and announce
“I’m full up.”
And my parents say
“Oh, you cant even manage just one more bite?”
And I say, “no.”
“I’m full up”
“I’m so full, I think I’m going to burst.”
Then I say
“What’s for pudding?”
“I thought you were full?” they say
“Oh yes. My dinner tummy is full but my pudding tummy…is empty.”
And I tell them all about my pudding tummy
For my second tummy, my pudding tummy, is amazing. It’s a never-ending canyon, a gurgling abyss
You can fill it with
Chocolate, ice cream, cake and custard, sweets, candy floss, sherbet, biscuits
And it never, ever gets full
My parents watch in amazement as I fill my pudding tummy
And even lick the bowl
I think I must be the only person in the world who has two tummies
Do you think that’s true?
Kev Payne